Written by Brian Franco
Difficulty: .5/B
Although this piece is written in D minor, Macroburst only uses the initial range learned by beginning band musicians (low concert A-concert G) and avoids E natural entirely. It's a perfect first introduction to minor keys while still being playable by very beginning bands.
Carefully scored to be exciting but accessible, all instruments are given a crucial role to bring this piece to life. Bombastic percussion and driving bass lines propel the main melodies forward throughout the piece. This is sure to be a piece your students (and audience) love!
All YourScore purchases include an immediate download of:
- PDF Score and Parts
- "Back page" supplemental exercises for each instrument
- XML file which will allow you to edit score and parts from any notation software
- Piano reduction and chord parts for guitar and ukulele
- Mechanical license to record and sell your band's performance to benefit your school music program (please read our FAQ for rules)